Event Page for MORE INFO: https://www.usaboxing.org/2024-usa-boxing-women-s-championships USA Boxing National Women's Championships in Lafayette, LA Our goal - OPPORTUNITIES TO COMPETE & IMPROVE - EVERY BOXER, COACH & OFFICIAL GOES HOME BETTER THAN THEY ARRIVED - EVERY BOXER WILL BOX MULTIPLE TIMES in Matched Bouts, Brackets & more Matched Bouts ALL BOXERS, COACHES & OFFICIALS ARE WELCOMED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVENT - USA Citizenship is NOT required - Please invite other NATIONAL FEDERATIONS to Participate - Registration for Non-USA Boxing members - Click HERE ------ TENTATIVE SCHDULE (subject to change) ------ PLEASE plan for ALL BOXERS to: - ARRIVE - Thursday, August 15th - DEPART - Wednesday, August 21st THESE ARE TENTATIVE PLANS - THEY ARE BEING DEVELOPED AND WILL BE MODIFIED There will be NO OFFICIAL GENERAL WEIGH-IN. Boxers will weigh-in ONLY on days they compete. Trial Scales will be available daily throughtout the Check-In and Competition schedule. On Competition days, Trial Scales will open at 5:00AM. ALL WEIGH-INS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN POUNDS (LBS) Daily weigh-ins will be AT 6:00AM. Scales will close when the last boxer in line crosses. Bracket Bouts will be held to the Weight Category, NO ALLOWANCES & NO FULL UNDRESS allowed. Matched Bouts will use the weight criteria in the MatchMaking Guide in Appendix F of the USA Boxing Rulebook. Thursday August 15 - ARRIVAL & CHECK-IN - 4:00pm to 8:00pm - All boxers will receive headshot photos at Check-In, come prepared - Turn in Boxer's passbooks and receive Credentials & giveaways Friday, August 16 - Check In, Technical Meetings, Tournament Draw, Open Workouts, and Hand Mitt Competition - Check-In: 8:00am-10:00am - Open Workouts 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM: ages 8-14 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM: ages 15-22 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon PM: ages 23+ - Technical Rules Meeting 12:00 Noon PM - Tournament draw and match pairings 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Hand Mitt Competition Saturday, August 17 - Day 1 - EVERYBODY Competes (Tournament & Matched Bouts) - Matches decided by age, weight, and experience - 12 pm: Inexperienced boxers compete - 6 pm: Experienced boxers compete Sunday, August 18 - Day 2 - Competition - 12 pm: Competition for inexperienced brackets - 6 pm: Competition in experienced brackets, plus matched bouts Monday, August 19 - Day 3 - Competition and Evening Gala - 12 pm: Competition begins - 6 pm: Evening Gala & Awards Tuesday, August 20 - Day 4 - Competition (Finals) - 12 pm: Competition Finals EVENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE.